A Way to Get Known by the News Media
Do you want to promote what you do to the media? Do you want to send our regular press releases about your company or business? There’s a company where you can set up a press room to help you get known. I’ve been using the service for over 10 years, and the company will give you a discount if you mention my name.
The company is the Yearbook of Experts, and they are now putting together their printed 2021 Yearbook of Experts(R). Their deadline if you want to be included is February 28. You will get your own profile page which becomes your press room, and you can save 15% when you join using this link: www.ExpertClick.com/discount/Gini_Graham_Scott
There are various ways the company helps the news media finds you, including being found in a Google search. You get a search optimized press room with social media plugins. You can send up to one a day news releases that are featured on Google News and other media sites. News media contacts can view your release online as well as pass on the link to others. For example, in posting about 100 releases a year for myself and for clients, I’ve averaged about 400–900 views for each release. You can see more details on getting into both the printed book and online, as well as see a copy of the book that was published last year at www.ExpertBook.com. You can see my own page if you do a search for Gini Graham Scott or clink this link: https://www.expertclick.com/experts/Gini%20Graham%20Scott.aspx .
The company has gotten strong reviews from the media on its PR services. For instance, the New York Times described it as a great way to “Dial-an-Expert,” while CNN called it “An Invaluable Tool.” PRWeek referred to it as the “Dating Service of PR.”
A few listed experts who were renewal customers had this to say: Arnold Sanow a professional speaker said that “The Wall Street Journal quoted me…their story about my marketing boot camp resulted in speaking offers.” Alan Weiss, a consultant, stated that: “It’s a service I use regularly to send out our press releases and keep my name in front of the news media. I recommend it to everyone”.
You can see who you already or who else is listed in your field when you search on your topics at www.ExpertClick.com. If you use my name when you sign up, you’ll save 15% at www.ExpertClick.com/discount/Gini_Graham_Scott
If you want some personal assistance or have questions, you can call the company owner Mitchell Davis directly at (202) 333–5000.
And if you need help in writing any of these releases, as well as books, scripts, or sizzle reels to promote your business, that’s what I do.
GINI GRAHAM SCOTT, Ph.D., J.D., is a nationally known writer, consultant, speaker, and seminar leader, specializing in business and work relationships, professional and personal development, social trends, and popular culture. She has published 50 books with major publishers. She has worked with dozens of clients on memoirs, self-help, popular business books, and film scripts. More information is at www.changemakerspublishingandwriting.com.
She is the founder of Changemakers Publishing, featuring books on work, business, psychology, social trends, and self-help. The company has published over 200 print, e-books, and audiobooks. She has received national media exposure for her books, including appearances on Good Morning America, Oprah, and CNN.
Scott is active in a number of community and business groups, including the Lafayette, Pleasant Hill, and Walnut Creek Chambers of Commerce. She does workshops and seminars on the topics of her books.
She is also the writer and executive producer of 10 films in distribution, release, or production. Her most recent films that have been released include Driver, The New Age of Aging, and Infidelity.
She received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, and her J.D. from the University of San Francisco Law School. She has received five MAs at Cal State University, East Bay, most recently in Communication.